Report A Crime

Send Us a Tip
Send the Police Department a Tip about crime in your neighborhood. You can remain anonymous.Email contact:
Phone: (209) 668-5550 ext. 6780
Report a Crime Online
When a non-emergency crime has been committed, you may benefit from reporting the crime online. It is convenient for you to use and easy to access 24 hours a day. These reports may not be verified by a police officer. This website is monitored Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING CHECKLIST BELOW TO SEE IF YOU QUALIFY TO REPORT VIA OUR ONLINE SERVICE.
- The crime is not an emergency. The crime is not in progress.
For emergencies Call 911 or 209-668-1200. - The crime has no known, identified suspects. Call 911 or the non-emergency line 209-668-1200 if you need to report suspect(s) names.
- The crime occurred within the city limits of Turlock, California.
- If you are reporting a lost or stolen license plate or a stolen vehicle, call 209-668-1200.
- You must have a valid e-mail address.
- You must provide a form of valid identification: Driver's License, State of CA ID, or Passport.
- For any type of missing persons or runaway report, call 209-668-1200.
- Any other crime you would like to report that does not require immediate assistance in order to prevent injury. In these circumstances, call 911 or 209-668-1200
- Fraud/Forgery
- Harassing Phone Calls
- Identity Theft
- Lost, Stolen or Vandalized Property
- Theft of property from inside a locked or unlocked vehicle
- Theft from a storage unit
- Theft from unlocked garage