About Us

The Turlock Police Department is located at 244 N Broadway in Turlock, California. Under the command of Police Chief Hedden, The Turlock Police Department is composed of two divisions of 81 sworn police officers and 66 non-sworn part-time and full-time civilian employees. The city of Turlock is 16.88 square miles, which is divided up into five beats to better serve our community.
Vision Statement
"Leading The Way Through Excellence."Mission and Values Statement
As police professionals, we commit ourselves to public service and public safety.As dedicated public servants we will strive:
For the continual pursuit of justice;
For fair and equal application of the law;
To treat all persons with dignity and respect, and conduct ourselves in accordance with the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics;
For innovative and effective management of our resources;
To create and maintain an atmosphere that encourages community input, participation, and partnerships.