Program Plans & Reports

Housing Program Annual Action Plans, Consolidated Plans, & Reporting Documents
As a requirement of receiving grant funding from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, the jurisdiction must provide planning and reporting documents as required by the funding sources.Consolidated Plan
To receive its annual CDBG and HOME entitlement grants from HUD, the City must develop a Consolidated Plan every five years. The Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive assessment of the City's housing and community development needs for the short and long term, including housing, homelessness, economic development, and public services (e.g. health and human service programs). The Consolidated Plan also includes strategies for addressing the identified needs, which are intended to guide the City's use of CDBG and HOME funds over a five-year period. The current plan is for years 2020-2025 (Fiscal years 2020/2021- 2024/2025)Consolidated Plan: 2020 - 2025
Public Notice AAP and Consolidated Plan
Draft Amendment to 2020-2025 Consolidated plan for 3/23/21 Council Meeting
Annual Action Plan
Each year the City is required to submit an Action Plan indicating how the City plans to use the funds it will receive from HUD to address the priority needs identified in the Consolidated Plan. This plan details the programs and projects to be funded each year. The Action Plan also outlines the proposed outcomes for the funded activities.Public Notice Annual Action Plan 2024-2025
Annual Action Plan: 2024-2025
Annual Action Plan: 2024 - 2025 Draft
Annual Action Plan: 2023-2024 First Substantial Amendment-Draft
Annual Action Plan: 2023-2024 County DRAFT
Annual Action Plan: 2023-2024
Annual Action Plan: 2022-2023 First Substantial Amendment
Annual Action Plan: 2022-2023
Annual Action Plan: 2021-2022 Second Substantial Amendment for HOME-American Rescue Plan-Final
Annual Action Plan: 2021-2022 First Substantial Amendment
Annual Action Plan: 2021-2022
Annual Action Plan: 2020-2021 Second Substantial Amendment-DRAFT
Annual Action Plan: 2020-2021 First Substantial Amendment
Annual Action Plan: 2020 - 2021
Annual Action Plan: 2019 - 2020
Annual Action Plan: 2018 - 2019
Annual Action Plan: 2017 - 2018
Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Reports
At the conclusion of each program year, the City is required by HUD to report on its progress toward meeting the goals and objectives of the annual Action Plan and five-year Consolidated Plan.Notice of Public Hearing and CAPER Comment Period for Program Year 2023-2024
CAPER for 2023-2024
CAPER for 2022-2023
CAPER for 2021-2022
CAPER for 2020-2021
CAPER for 2019-2020
CAPER for 2018-2019
CAPER for 2017-2018
CAPER for 2016-2017
CAPER for 2015-2016
CAPER for 2014-2015
Citizen Participation Plan
The jurisdiction is required to adopt a citizen participation plan that sets forth the jurisdiction's policies and procedures for citizen participation as well as provide for and encourage citizens to participate in the development of any consolidated plan, any substantial amendment to the consolidated plan, and the performance report. These requirements are designed especially to encourage participation by low- and moderate-income persons, particularly those living in slum and blighted areas and in areas where CDBG funds are proposed to be used, and by residents of predominantly low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, as defined by the jurisdiction.Citizen Participation Plan-Updated 4/2021
Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
This plan identifies impediments to fair housing, conditions in which individuals of similar income levels in the same housing market may have housing choice influenced by race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, age, sex, disability, martial status, familial status, source of income, sexual orientation or similar factors. The AI reviews public and private policies, practices and procedures affecting housing choice and recommends actions to address any identified potential impediments.Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
Permanent Local Housing Allocation (PLHA) Ad and Plan